Thursday, November 3, 2011

The art of patience...

The art of patience... 

This week has been funny because both Leonardo and Gavin have said something to each of us regarding patience.  Both had similar views, apparently. 


Me:  Get in bed!  I am running out of patience!!!
Leonardo:  You don't have any patience?
Me:  No.
Leonardo:  *makes a throwing gesture*  Here's your patience!!!  Take them!
Me:  *laughing*  Oh, there's my patience, huh?
Leonardo:  *sheepishly*  Yeah...  sometimes i take them...

11/3/11  (side note...  you might recognize a pattern here.  hahaha)

Rodrigo:  Get in bed!  I don't have patience like your mom.  I'm not your mom.  I have no patience.
Gavin:  *surprised*  Oh!!!  Here, dad, you can borrow some of mine.

So here is my realization about this:  both times that I heard this, it made me laugh.  I was lightened, happy, and full of love for these toddler monkey boys.  So I guess they DID give them to me, loan them, or whatever they decide to call it tomorrow night...  when they won't go to bed again.

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